Serving Scholars
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The Serving Scholar Program


The Serving Scholar Program is designed to address the diverse needs of students who are simultaneously engaged in military service and pursuing their studies at the University of Guelph. The core objectives of the Program are to support, develop, and acknowledge individuals while fostering educational outreach and deeper connections within the University community.

News and Media

What are my opportunities as a Serving Scholar?

Academic and Examination Considerations

“Generally, work commitments will not constitute grounds for academic consideration. For students enlisted in the Canadian Armed Forces (through Regular or Reserve Force service), the University of Guelph will consider accommodation requests.”

“The Board recommends that faculty make every effort to accommodate students representing the University in extra­curricular activities or students enlisted in the Canadian Military when there are conflicts between their extra-curricular or military training and/or deployment activities and scheduled tests or examinations.”

If you are away on an exercise, on course, or deployed on a named operation and your military duties conflict with either a deadline, exam, or your ability to complete an assignment, we are here to help.


Experiential Learning Opportunities

The following courses present serving scholars the opportunity to tie in their military service with academic courses for credit. This is usually accomplished via a supplementary project or research paper. For more information, including how to enroll in one of these courses, please contact

CLAS*3700 – Experiential Learning and Language (summer, fall, or winter)

CLAS*4150 – Research Paper in Classics (fall, winter)

EURO*3700 – Experiential Learning and Language (summer, fall, or winter)

HUMN*3190 – Experiential Learning (summer, fall, or winter)

Course Selection Accommodations

If you will be away on course or a tasking throughout the summer, or will otherwise be unable to complete your course selection for an upcoming semester in the course of your military duties, we are here to help


Financial Opportunities and Recognitions

The Serving Scholar Prize was established by Dr John Walsh and Mrs. Mary Walsh to recognise the academic excellence and achievement of a graduating University of Guelph student currently serving in the Canadian Armed Forces including the CAF Reserves. Selection will be based on the highest cumulative average.

One award of $1000 and a medallion is given annually to a serving scholar upon graduation.

More information and information on how to apply can be found here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are Serving Scholars?

Serving Scholars are University of Guelph students who are currently serving in Regular or Reserve Force of the Canadian Armed Forces and are registered with the Serving Scholar Program.

How do I register as a Serving Scholar?

In order to be eligible for academic considerations and opportunities as a Serving Scholar, CAF members must register with the program.

Contact with the following information:

Program of Study;
Year of Study;
University of Guelph Email;
DWAN Email; and
Student ID

After your identity has been verified, you will receive confirmation of registry and further information.

Note: If you are a CAF member who has recently enrolled and do not yet have access to your email, make a note and we can verify your service through alternative means.

Contact Information

For general inquiries, please email: